Due to a genereous donation the Erich Fromm Prize is awarded annually by the International Erich Fromm Society and is endowed with 10,000 Euros. The Erich Fromm Prize honors persons who, on the basis of their scholarly, scientific, social, sociopolitical, or journalistic commitment, have achieved or continue to achieve excellence in preserving or reviving humanistic thought and action in the tradition of Erich Fromm.

The selection of the prizewinner is a majority decision of a five-person jury appointed by the Advisory Board of the International Erich Fromm Society. Although free in its decision, the jury invites nominations and applications for the Erich Fromm Prize. These nominations and applications should be submitted to the business office of the International Erich Fromm Society (Ursrainer Ring 24, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany; E-Mail: info[at-symbol]erich-fromm.de) by 1 April every year. The Erich Fromm Prize is replacing the International Erich Fromm Prize given until 2004.

The conferral of the award is not only intended to honor humanistic commitment in the tradition of Erich Fromm. It also advances and sustains a greater awareness of the legacy of Erich Fromm among the general public. Accordingly, the awards ceremony is generally a public occasion.


"Today things are in the saddle and ride mankind. Our future depends on whether the human being—the whole, creative human being—is able to set himself in the saddle." – (E. Fromm, The Sane Society, New York 1955, p. 385.)



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