Benvenuti sul sito della Società Internazionale di Erich Fromm!

Sul sito potete trovare informazioni relative ad eventi, gruppi di studio ed altre attività della SIEF, oltre ad informazioni riguardo al contenuto del nostro lavoro. Erich Fromm (1900-1980) è noto non solo come autore ed importante umanista del XX secolo ma anche come psicanalista e psicologo sociale. Egli influenzò il mondo come pochi altri scienziati sociali nati in Germania. I suoi scritti e le sue conquiste scientifiche sono lette e riconosciute a livello mondiale. La SIEF lavora per mantenere, ricercare, approfondire e divulgare le idée e le scoperte di Erich Fromm, che hanno avuto risonanza internazionale e mondiale.


Though the meetings on Friday and Saturday are limited to registered participants you are invited to participate in the

public opening session on Thursday evening, June 26, 8:15 p.m.

at the Berlin Internationale Psychoanalytic University at Stromstr. 2, 3rd floor. The former collaborator of Erich Fromm, Dr. Michael Maccoby, Washington D.C., entitled his lecture
Building on Erich Fromm's scientific contributions
(A written translation into German is available)

More than 34 years after Erich Fromm's death and in view of a long and fruitful history of Fromm-reception a first International Erich Fromm Research Conference takes place in Berlin end of June 2014.
The main concern of this conference consists in providing a differentiated survey of the various and widespread fields, in which Fromm's seminal notion is being discussed and advanced by specialists from all over the world.
The topics in focus will deal with questions concerning the general reception of Frommian ideas as well as specific areas of academic research in the realm of Fromm's conceptual work.
Special attention will be paid on further enhancements, actual shortcomings and desiderata in current research.
It is a great honour for us that the International Psychoanalytic University (IPU) is hosting and organizing this research conference in collaboration with the Erich Fromm Institute of Tuebingen and thanks to the generous support of the Karl Schlecht Foundation.


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