Annual Conference 2025 from March 21 to 23 at the Europahaus Bad Marienberg.

The political, economic, ecological and social changes of recent years and the associated crises are preoccupying people and triggering fears and feelings of powerlessness, helplessness, despair and often anger. But instead of facing up to the crises, analyzing them and looking for solutions together, people often lapse into a destructive way of dealing with the problems: There is aggressive arguing, blame is apportioned and other opinions are devalued, not listened to or marginalized. There is an increasing threat of polarization in society.

Erich Fromm’s writings and political commitment were dedicated to peace, a productive culture of conflict and liberation from violence and power structures.

It is sensible, necessary and logical for the International Erich Fromm Society to take up these topics and dedicate the 2025 annual conference to them.

The following questions and topics will be addressed in the form of presentations, discussion rounds and workshops:

  • How should the current crises and their dynamics be assessed from a socio-psychological perspective?
  • How can peaceful communication succeed in crises?
  • What can a productive conflict culture look like and how can it be implemented?
  • What steps towards peace are possible and feasible?
  • How can polarization be prevented?
  • How can education and training for peaceful communication and productive conflict resolution be organized?
  • How is reconciliation possible when an argument has escalated?

Preliminary program:

Friday evening
Prof. Jürgen Hardeck“Renaissance of a great humanist. 125th anniversary of Erich Fromm”
Klaus Eidenschink“The anatomy of conflict-dynamic destructiveness”
Prof. (em.) Dr. Hanne-Margret Birckenbach“Can man be able to make peace? On the why and how of dialog work”
Dr. Susanne Umbach“Learning peace in unpeaceful times – opportunities and challenges for peace education in schools”
Anke Raidt, Michael Kubsda and others.Workshops
– Dialectical debate
– Betzavta
– Conflict education
Saturday eveningCelebration of Erich Fromm’s 125th birthday
Dr. Helmut Johach“Erich Fromm on peace and war – contributions to peace policy”
Prof. (em.) Ueli MäderUnderstanding conflicts and promoting peace
Closing panel with all guests

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