Journal of Psychosocial Studies (JPSS), Bristol University Press, Vol. 17 (2024), No. 3: Special Issue

  • Rainer Funk and Thomas Kühn: Editorial: Humanistic Transformation and Contemporary Pathologies of Normalcy: Impulses following the analytical social psychology of Erich Fromm
  • Dawid Koloszyc: Identity Politics and the Politics of Difference: Critical Transformations in Contemporary Thought
  • Katrin Voigt: Nationalism as Collective Narcissism: The Pathology of an Everyday Practice
  • Luis Jiminez: The Relevance of Erich Fromm’s Social Character and Bourdieu’s Habitus in Psychosocial Research on Gendered Work and Community after De-Industrialisation
  • Dustin J. Byrd: Can Religion be Rescued in the 21st Century? On Fromm’s Religious Humanism in an Age of Authoritarian Populism
  • Neil McLaughlin: Why Fromm Matters for Understanding Left, Right and Liberal Authoritarianism Today
  • Thomas Kühn: Normative Identity Work: Exploring Erich Fromm’s Perspective on Self and Society
  • Lynn Chancer: Reconsidering Fromm and Feminisms: A Case for Psychosocial Compatibilities
  • Niclas O’Donnokoé, Christopher Steffen, & Phil C. Langer: Hope in Crisis: Revisiting Erich Fromm’s Dialectic of Transformation
  • Joan Braune: The Psychological is Crucial: Why Erich Fromm’s Understanding of Human Needs Contributes to Defeating Fascism
  • Jeremiah Morelock: Toward Living a Better Future: Political Vision and the Humanistic Conscience

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