The Erich Fromm Society of North America is a rapidly growing fledgling organization started in 2022. We are centrally rooted in the United States and Canada, yet participation is not limited by location. We have members in Mexico, South Africa and Brazil, among other places. However, our events and efforts are to date held in the English language.
We do not have a formal designation of membership; interested people can readily contact us to get on our main listserv and find out about upcoming efforts and events. The committees hold discussion and planning meetings periodically, which typically everyone on the listserv is welcome to attend.
We have organized several online events with formal presentations and discussions and host a reading/discussion group that meets weekly. We have also developed a podcast where Fromm scholars are interviewed to speak about their interpretation of Fromm’s ideas in relation to various topics. In September of 2024, we held our inaugural hybrid conference on Fromm’s ideas, virtually and at Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA, USA.
We have a democratic structure comprising four committees, each consisting of three people. The titles of the committees are »social inquiry,« »clinical practice,« and »social engagement,« and finally a »coordinating committee« comprising one of the members from each of the other three committees. The purpose of these separate but coordinated committees is to allow representation, autonomy, and dialogue between three central areas of relevance that we find for Fromm’s work today.
While running as an autonomous collective, we are also integrated as a branch of the International Erich Fromm Society. A good number of our members are also full members of the IEFS, including all the people serving on our committees. At the 3rd International Erich Fromm Research Conference, held in Berlin at IPU in June of 2023, several of us met with Rainer Funk and others from the International Erich Fromm Society to discuss ways for cooperation and integration going forward. With details in development, we are excited to collaborate in a variety of initiatives that may involve publication, academic networking, and organizing conferences and other events online and in person.
For more information or to be added to the listserv, email us at
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