The Erich Fromm Prize 2019 will be awarded to Pulse of Europe and its founders Daniel and Sabine Röder
on Monday, March 18, 2019, 6:00 p.m. at Hospitalhof in Stuttgart / Germany
Dr. Daniel and Sabine Röder started the public campaign Pulse of Europe in 2016 in Frankfurt am Main. The non-party movement stands up for the future of Europe, opposing the new right-wing nationalistic politics and interests. The European citizens‘ initiative wants to contribute its »share to ensure that Europe, now and in the future, remains united and democratic and continues to be a community in which regard for human rights, the rule of law, freedom of speech and assembly, and tolerance and respect remain integral parts of its essence«.
For the social psychoanalyst Erich Fromm, nationalistic tendencies often indicate the rise of a pathological group narcissism. Instead of fleeing from one’s feelings of impotence and devaluation into personal fantasies of grandiosity, many individuals identify with the grandiosity of a nation or societal group and hence cope with their own shortcomings by identifying with group narcissistic forms of nationalism.
For »Pulse of Europe«, what is at stake is nothing less »than the preservation of an alliance to secure peace and to guarantee individual freedom, justice and legal security. Only together is the influence great enough to master global challenges and to help shape the changing world order.« (
The Erich Fromm Prize, endowed with €10.000, honors persons and initiatives which, through their scholarly, scientific, social, sociopolitical, or journalistic commitment, have achieved or continue to achieve excellence in preserving or reviving humanistic thought and action in the tradition of Erich Fromm.
Former recipients include Eugen Drewermann, Konstantin Wecker, Jakob von Uexküll, Noam Chomsky, Anne Sophie Mutter, Christel and Rupert Neudeck, John Neumeier, and Hartmut Rosa.
The award celebration will take place at the Hospitalhof in Stuttgart, Germany, on Monday evening, March 18, 2019, 6:00 p.m.
The eulogy will be given by the publicizer Andreas Nuernberger.
Tickets for the ceremony can be ordered from the Business Bureau of the International Erich Fromm Society, c/o Klaus Widerstroem, phone: +49 (0) 6157-98 63 269; E-Mail:
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