À la date du 8 janvier 2014, notre membre honoraire Jorge Silva, est décédé à Tlalpan, au Mexique, à l’âge de 94 ans, aprés avoir subi une grave crise cardiaque. L’Institut Psychanalytique Mexicain lui doit beaucoup. 

In 1963 he was the most engaged person to build up an own psychoanalytic institute close to the National Autonomous Mexican University (UNAM).
When Fromm in 1951 started his first psychoanalytic training course in Mexico Jorge Silva belonged to this course. After his graduation he for many years was a lecturer, training analyst and supervisor at this institute. But also when he resigned at the institute his thinking and teaching was sustainable devoted to Fromm.
Speaking fluently English he became a pioneer to introduce psychoanalytic groups particu-larly in Europe in Fromm’s „centre-to-centre psychoanalysis.“ Hence he continued his training program in Spain, Scandinavia and particularly in Italy. The assistance of Jorge Silva en-abled Romano Biancoli to establish the Bolognese Erich Fromm institute.
For many years he was a member of the Executive Committee of the International Federa-tion of Psychoanalytic Societies (IFPS) representing Fromm’s Mexican psychoanalytic insti-tute. Finally he was a most active member in the International Erich Fromm Society from 1985 on. Whenever he could participate in our international conferences he presented pa-pers and gave seminars introducing interested members in Fromm’s understanding of dreams.
Though Jorge Silva felt his age concerning its bodily limitations he until his last days was mentally very clear, active and empathic. He continued writing and could look back on a long list of publications (most of them are available at the Erich Fromm document center: http://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-Fromm/solrsearch/index/search/searchtype/collection/id/13/start/0/rows/10/author_facetfq/Jorge+Silva+Garc%C3%ADa. Lovely supported by his wife Inés he kept in touch with friends and pupils. And he always was in an inner dialogue with Erich Fromm, with his ideas and his biophilic ways of living.
We are in mourning for a good friend, a patron of Fromm’s legacy and a honorary member of our Society. (Rainer Funk)

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