Third International Erich Fromm Seminar for Doctoral Students and Postdocs
at the International Psychoanalytic University Berlin (IPU), June 20 thru 21, 2018
Call for application 2018
Doctoral students and postdocs working on Fromm-related research projects (e.g. in psychology, sociology, philosophy, education, history, anthropology, political theory, political science, social work, theology, religious studies, international relations, literary studies etc.) are invited to apply for participation by January 15, 2018. The seminar is open to 6 participants from all over the world, and will be conducted in English.
The seminar will be held by Rainer Funk (Fromm’s last assistant and Director of the Erich Fromm Institute Tuebingen) and Thomas Kühn (holder of the Erich Fromm endowment professorship at the IPU); Neil McLaughlin (Professor at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada), Lynn Chancer (Professor at Hunters College, New York, USA) and Catherine Silver (Psychoanalyst and Professor at City University New York, USA) will be faculty advisors. International junior researchers will have the chance to discuss their own research in the Seminar on Wednesday, June 20, at 2:00 p.m. to Thursday, June 21 at 1:30 p.m. Each project will receive feedback from a senior advisor and will be discussed in the seminar group.
Following the seminar, the attendants have the chance to participate as observers in the international Erich Fromm Research Conference (June 21 thru 23, 2018 at the IPU) and meet renowned experts in the field of Fromm-research.
Submit your application until January 15, 2018
Please submit a two-page, double spaced proposal outlining the details of your project. In addition, please also hand in the email addresses of two faculty-professional references and your own postal address. Please e-mail your application to Thomas Kuehn ( as well as to Rainer Funk (
Decisions can be expected by January 31. Applicants will be informed of the outcome and – if successful – asked to confirm participation by February 14, 2018, at the latest. Participants will be provided with advance reading material for the seminar.
Travel expenses and accomodation
Accommodation (for 4 nights, during the doctoral seminar and the Erich Fromm Research Conference) and one common evening meal (without beverages) on Wednesday night will be organized and paid for by the program. Grants for travel expenses will be offered based on the circumstances of individual participants. Travelers from overseas may receive a grant up to a maximum of 400 €. Up to 250 € will be paid for travel expenses within Europe and 100 € maximum for participants arriving from within Germany. (All grants will be paid during the seminar and according to the respective receipts.)
This event is hosted by the Erich Fromm Study Center (EFSC) of the International Psychoanalytic University, Berlin (IPU), in cooperation with the Erich Fromm Institute Tuebingen, and is supported by the Karl Schlecht Foundation.
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