Love for life – despite everything!





Author Title/Download


First Munich Erich Fromm Day on October 24, 2015
How topical is “To have or to be”?

Rainer Funk The significance of the “to have or to be” alternative for today
Helmut Johach “To have or to be” in the consumer society


Presentation of the Erich Fromm Prize 2016
to Christel and Rupert Neudeck

Helmut A. Müller Greeting
Wolfgang Thierse Laudation
Christel Neudeck On Erich Fromm’s legacy and the future of Fromm’s estate
Rupert Neudeck
Erich Fromm Lecture 2016: 

Differentiations in the concept of pacifism


The art of loving – today!
60 years of “The Art of Loving” by Erich Fromm

Rainer Funk The meaning of love in the work of Erich Fromm
Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim Love in times of globalization 
Gerd B. Achenbach Love – an art? Metamorphoses of the understanding of love 
Martin Koschorke The art of nurturing your love 


Further contributions

Helmut Johach The basic income between social utopia and political reality: reflections following Erich Fromm


Put up for discussion

Klaus W. Leisinger Corporate responsibility in times of globalization: challenges for corporate ethics





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