The Erich Fromm Prize 2017 will be awarded to John Neumeier

on Saturday, March 11, 2017, 6:00 p.m. at Hospitalhof in Stuttgart / Germany

The International Erich Fromm Society recognizes with this award the life’s work of John Neumeier, an internationally renowned ballet choreographer and Director of the Hamburg Ballet. Fascinated by Erich Fromm’s The Art of Loving since his college days, love for Neumeier is best expressed through choreographed movement. A true ambassador for a humanistic ‘world ethos’, Neumeier’s work helps to keep the legacy of Erich Fromm alive.
John Neumeier himself has been invited to present this year’s Fromm Lecture, entitled ‘Dance and The Art of Loving’, accompanied by a Laudatio will be from Dr. Johannes Bultmann (Baden-Baden) and a dance performance by the Bundesjugendballett.
The Erich Fromm Prize, endowed with 10.000 €, is awarded annually to individuals who are committed to the achievement of excellence in preserving or reviving humanistic thought and action in the tradition of Erich Fromm. Former recipients include Eugen Drewermann, Konstantin Wecker, Jakob von Uexküll, Noam Chomsky, Anne Sophie Mutter, Christel and Rupert Neudeck.

Admission cards (10 Euro each) can be ordered at the Business Bureau of the International Erich Fromm Society (c/o Klaus Widerstroem, Die kleine Beune 12, D-64319 Pfungstadt, Germany; E-Mail: Please make you payment in advance by SEPA transfer to the account of Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft at Kreissparkasse Tuebingen; IBAN: DE63 6415 0020 0000 2543 13; BIC: SOLADES1TUB.

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