Paul Mason
with the
Erich Fromm Prize 2020
With his radical social criticism and passionate commitment to humanism, he continues Erich Fromm’s political thinking in the present day. Erich Fromm also believes that “the computer can be useful in many ways in our lives. But the idea that it could replace people and life is a manifestation of the disease of our time”. Paul Mason warns of the dangers posed by new right-wing populist movements and at the same time calls for technology to be put at the service of people before we become calculated and manipulated slaves to artificial intelligence. In his books, articles and public statements, he pursues enlightenment in the best sense of the word and is a staunch advocate of reason and humanity.
Stuttgart, Hospitalhof, March 23, 2020
Words of thanks from the video:
“Hello, this is Paul Mason from London. I regret that I cannot be with you in Stuttgart to accept the Erich Fromm Prize 2020. Unfortunately, the coronavirus has put a spanner in the works. I can’t travel and you can’t gather in one room because that would be a great stupidity at the moment. I have received the award. I am grateful and very pleased about this…”
Jürgen Hardeck:
Dear Fromm Prize winner Paul Mason, dear Jane Bruton and dear Gillian Mason, dear Pastor Monika Renninger from our co-organizer, the Protestant Education Center Hospitalhof Stuttgart, dear newly elected honorary members of the International Erich Fromm Society Horst Wagner and Edith Wagner Caillet, dear Honorary Chairman Rainer Funk and dear Renate Oetker-Funk, dear fellow board members, dear fellow jurors, dear ladies and gentlemen! This – or something like this – is how I would have liked to have greeted you if the coronavirus hadn’t thrown a spanner in the works. Erich Fromm, on whose hundred and twentieth birthday we are awarding the Fromm Prize today, once wrote pointedly that “the knowledge of truth is not primarily a matter of intelligence, but of character” (Jenseits der Illusionen. 1962a, GA IX, p. 155). How we deal with this situation, whether we respond with reason and solidarity to this great challenge, will show what our character is like – that of each individual and the dominant social character of the states and societies of the world community. …
Norbert Copray:
Nothing is more important than an offensive for humanism – Against the enemies of democracy and for universal human rights
Dear Paul Mason, ladies and gentlemen, dear members and friends of the Erich Fromm Society! March 23. What a memorable day! A birthday. Erich Fromm was born 120 years ago today – in Frankfurt am Main. I’ve lived there for 43 years, ever since I started studying there. Fromm had been advocating a hu-manistic, democratic socialism since the end of the 1920s. It is no coincidence that the Erich Fromm Society today awards the annual Erich Fromm Prize…
Paul Mason:
Fromm Lecture 2020
Seven impulses of resistance – Radical humanism in a darkening world
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for the invitation. It is an honor to receive the Erich Fromm Prize. When I bought Erich Fromm’s empirical study Arbeiter und Angestellte am Vorabend des Dritten Reiches from a second-hand bookshop in the 1980s, I did so mainly because I liked the Art Deco font on the cover.
All contributions
Contributions and publications on the 120th anniversary. Birthday of Erich Fromm
Audio: Erich Fromm and the art of living
The social philosopher Erich Fromm (1900 – 1980) spent his life searching for ways to create a more humane society. How relevant is his social criticism today? From Sven Ahnert
Audio: Audio: The do-gooder – How relevant is Erich Fromm?
In discussion: Dr. Rainer Funk – psychoanalyst and former Assistant to Erich Fromm, Tübingen, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hardeck – Chairman of the Erich Fromm Society, Mainz, Prof. Dr. Nils Köbel – Educational scientist, Catholic University of Applied Sciences Mainz, Moderation: Michael Risel (Broadcast on Wed, 18.3.2020 17:05, SWR2 Forum, SWR2)

Book: Do we still love life?
What do we strive for in life? What determines our lives? Being authentic, being creative, actively shaping one’s own life, loving oneself, depression or how we deal with death: Erich Fromm’s reflections provide valuable food for thought on these elementary aspects. (published by dtv)

Book: The Science of Man – A Reader
With a total of 34 texts, Rainer Funk has compiled a concentrated and competent introduction to Erich Fromm’s thinking, which provides an excellent overview of the many aspects of his idea of a “science of man”. (published by Psychosozial-Verlag)
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