Everyday racism – an attempt at a psychoanalytical interpretation Study conference in Frankfurt am Main on September 30, 2023
The 3rd International Erich Fromm Research Conference will be held at the International Psychoanalytic University (IPU) in Berlin from June […]
What should a humane society look like if gender-specific injustice is overcome? Annual conference of the International Erich-Fromm-Society e.V., 21. […]
Self-determination at the end of life Study conference in Tübingen on Saturday, October 15, 2022 – with an additional offer […]
Future conference on a sustainable society – acting for change Annual conference of the International Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft e.V., in cooperation with […]
From having to being – paths and aberrations of self-awareness October 29 to 31, 2021 in Mainz (postponed conference 2020)
Self-determination at the beginning and end of life Will be postponed! Erich Fromm Study Conference in Tübingen on Saturday, 24. […]
“…where no one has ever been: home” 2nd Fromm Study Day on Saturday, November 30, 2019 in Ludwigshafen  
Right-wing populism in Europe – Causes, dimensions, ways out Annual conference in Hofgeismar from Friday, April 26 to Sunday, April 28, 2019