Everyday racism – an attempt at a psychoanalytical interpretation

Study conference in Frankfurt am Main on September 30, 2023


Video of the event: https://youtu.be/yjFUB61RSqk?si=PcbZDV_W-FZN61kO


Erich Fromm (1900-1980) was a psychoanalyst by profession and belonged to the first generation of the “Frankfurt School” and the Institute for Social Research in the 1930s. Like other employees of the institute, he was of Jewish origin and therefore went into exile in the USA at an early age. He enjoyed great publishing success there, but later also in Europe, with books such as “The Fear of Freedom”, “The Art of Loving” and “To Have or to Be”. He was particularly interested in the connection between psychoanalysis, philosophy and social theory. Phenomena such as racism, everyday racism and anti-Semitism require an interdisciplinary and multi-perspective examination, especially in the present day. Erich Fromm’s research and impulses can still be very important today. With this in mind, this year’s study day is dedicated to the phenomenon of racism and how it can be explained by the analytical social psychology developed by Fromm.

The event is being held in cooperation with the Evangelische Akademie Frankfurt am Main and GRADE – Goethe Graduate Academy.EFIT WEIT View

Conference dates

Conference venue: Evangelische Akademie Frankfurt, Römerberg 9, D-60311 Frankfurt am Main

Date/Time: September 30, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Contributions from

  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Roger Frie, Vancouver, psychoanalyst and historian, Professor of Education at Simon Fraser University, Affiliate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, lecturer and supervisor at the William Alanson White Institute, New York.
  • Dr. Mai-Anh Boger, Regensburg, Academic Councillor at the Chair of Education at the University of Regensburg
  • Prof. Dr. Doron Kiesel, Frankfurt am Main, Scientific Director of the Education Department at the Central Council of Jews in Germany; Visiting Professor at the University of Würzburg.
  • Armand Zorn, Frankfurt am Main, Member of the German Bundestag

Conference fee:

Participation with (vegetarian) lunch/coffee: € 30

Participation without lunch/coffee: € 10

Register for the conference


Start: 10:00 am

Keynote: 10:15

Prof. Dr. Dr. Roger Frie, Vancouver
“Social psychoanalysis and systemic racism: What we can learn from Erich Fromm”

Podium + plenary discussion: 11:00

Break: 12:00

Lunch at the conference center

Keynote speech I: 13:30

Dr. Mai-Anh Boger, Regensburg

“Everyday racism and trauma – psychoanalytical explorations”

Questions, discussion: 13:50

Keynote speech II: 14:30-14:50

Prof. Dr. Doron Kiesel, Frankfurt am Main

“Continuity and defense against guilt”

Questions, discussion: 14:50

Break: 15:30


Symposium: 16:00

End: 17:30


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