Das Fromm Forum 28 ist im Dezember 2023 erschienen. Es enthält die Beiträge der Tagung “Selbstbestimmung im Alter”, der Fromm-Preis-Verleihung […]
Love for life – despite everything!  
                 Author Title    Peter L. Rudnytsky  The Indispensability of Erich Fromm: The […]
         Author Title   Peter L. Rudnytsky   The Indispensability of Erich Fromm: The Rehabilitation of a […]
How do we want to live in the future?  
  Author Title/File   Rudnytsky, P. L., 2015 Freud, Ferenczi, Fromm: The Authoritarian Character as Magic Helper, pp. 5-10   […]
  Author Title/File   Maccoby, M., 2014 Building on Erich Fromm’s scientific contributions, pp. 7-15. not available as file Minchev, […]