Fromm Study Day on Saturday, September 14, 2024 at the Evangelische Akademie Frankfurt am Main The International Erich-Fromm-Society and the […]
A new study group has been set up in Bochum. Together we want to make Erich Fromm’s ideas better known […]
Elias Jungheim has resigned from the Board of Directors of Int. Erich-Fromm-Society. The General Meeting thanks him for the past […]
All contributions to this year’s Fromm Prize award ceremony for Bernhard Pörksen are now available on our YouTube channel.
Everyday racism – an attempt at a psychoanalytical interpretation Study conference in Frankfurt am Main on September 30, 2023
What should a humane society look like if gender-specific injustice is overcome? Annual conference of the International Erich-Fromm-Society e.V., 21. […]
Erich-Fromm-Prize 2023 to Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Fuchs on Saturday, March 18, 2023, at 11 a.m. at the Hospitalhof Education […]
from Rainer Funk Michael Maccoby, Erich Fromm’s longtime collaborator, died on November 5, 2022 in Washington DC at the age […]
The General Meeting elects a new Board of Directors